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Susan S. Suarez
来源:计划生育研究所     日期:2017-03-22     浏览数:     【 字体:

Susan S. Suarez,女, 1981年获美国弗吉尼亚大学生物学博士学位,于1981-1985年在加州大学进行遗传生物学博士后研究现为康奈大学生物医学系教授,是生殖生物学域著名家,美国生殖研究学会SSR主席,生殖生物学Biology of Reproduction副主,及Reproduction in Domestic Animals副主,担任NIH评审专家,以及多家委,如Nature, Nature Genetics, PNAS, JBC, JCI等。承担多NIHUSDANSF课题,主要研究哺乳物精子功能以及避孕。Susan S. Suarez教授独特的研究献在于深入系研究了哺乳物精子在雌性生殖道的运,部分成果已被写入相关教科些研究既是哺乳物生殖生理研究的重要内容,也为进一步研究生、不育及避孕新途径等方面提供了重要参考。



[1] Tung CK, Ardon F, Fiore AG, Suarez SS, Wu M. Cooperative roles of biological flow and surface topography in guiding sperm migration revealed by a microfluidic model. Lab Chip, 2014, 14(7):1348-1356.

[2] Ardon F, Suarez SS. Cryopreservation increases coating of bull sperm by seminal plasma binder of sperm proteins BSP1, BSP3, and BSP5. Reproduction, 2013, 146(2):111-117.

[3] Chang H, Kim BJ, Kim YS, Suarez SS, Wu M. Different migration patterns of sea urchin and mouse sperm revealed by a microfluidic chemotaxis device. PLoS One, 2013, 8(4):e60587.

[4] Gilbert RO, Suarez SS. Canine seminal plasma: transport medium or signaling agent? Vet J, 2013, 195(2):131-132.

[5] Hung PH, Suarez SS. Alterations to the bull sperm surface proteins that bind sperm to oviductal epithelium. Biol Reprod, 2012, 87(4):88.

[6] Chang H, Suarez SS. Unexpected flagellar movement patterns and epithelial binding behavior of mouse sperm in the oviduct. Biol Reprod, 2012, 86(5):140, 1-8.

[7] Olson SD, Fauci LJ, Suarez SS. Mathematical modeling of calcium signaling during sperm hyperactivation. Mol Hum Reprod, 2011, 17(8):500-510.

[8] Chang H, Suarez SS. Two distinct Ca(2+) signaling pathways modulate sperm flagellar beating patterns in mice. Biol Reprod, 2011, 85(2):296-305.

[9] Olson SD, Suarez SS, Fauci LJ. Coupling biochemistry and hydrodynamics captures hyperactivated sperm motility in a simple flagellar model. J Theor Biol, 2011, 283(1):203-216.

[10] Chang H, Suarez SS. Rethinking the relationship between hyperactivation and chemotaxis in mammalian sperm. Biol Reprod, 2010, 83(4):507-513.

[11] Hung PH, Suarez SS. Regulation of sperm storage and movement in the ruminant oviduct. Soc Reprod Fertil Suppl, 2010, 67:257-266.

[12] Ho K, Wolff CA, Suarez SS. CatSper-null mutant spermatozoa are unable to ascend beyond the oviductal reservoir. Reprod Fertil Dev, 2009, 21(2):345-350.

[13] McPartlin LA, Suarez SS, Czaya CA, Hinrichs K, Bedford-Guaus SJ. Hyperactivation of stallion sperm is required for successful in vitro fertilization of equine oocytes. Biol Reprod, 2009, 81(1):199-206.

[14] Suarez SS. Control of hyperactivation in sperm. Hum Reprod Update, 2008, 14(6):647-657.

[15] Suarez SS. Regulation of sperm storage and movement in the mammalian oviduct. Int J Dev Biol, 2008, 52(5-6):455-562.

[16] Marquez B, Suarez SS. Soluble adenylyl cyclase is required for activation of sperm but does not have a direct effect on hyperactivation. Reprod Fertil Dev, 2008, 20(2):247-252.


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