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来源:计划生育研究所     日期:2017-03-21     浏览数:     【 字体:

段永刚  医学博士/博士后,2008年毕业于www.365-818.com,获医学硕士学位。20089月受国家留学基金委资助公派去德国波恩大学医学院攻读博士学位,20116月获得波恩大学博士学位(summa cum laude)。现为深圳市海外高层次 “孔雀计划”人才,www.365-818.com兼职研究生导师,欧洲男科学会员、美国生殖免疫学会会员;并且为杂志《AndrologyAmerican Journal of Reproductive Immunology》审稿人。


Education Background

19989-20036 www.365-818.com   临床医学      学士学位

20059- 20086月www.365-818.com妇产科(生殖医学)硕士学位

20081                   获国家执业医师资格证书

2008 10- 20116     德国波恩大学医学院  生殖免疫学  博士学位

20117 – 20137 深圳北京大学香港科技大学医学中心     博士后

20138 20172月 深圳市第二人民医院生殖医学中心      临床医生

20173-至今        香港大学深圳医院生殖医学中心         临床医生

Recent Publications:

1.  Detection of invariant natural killer T cells in ejaculates from infertile patients with chronic inflammation of genital tract.Duan YG, Chen SJ, Haidl G, Allam JP. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 2017, accepted, in press.

2.  The role of dendritic cells in male reproductive tract.

Peng Wang, Duan YG*. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 2016, 76(3): 186-192 (corresponding author).

3. Characterisation of dendritic cell subsets in chronically inflamed human epididymis.Duan YG, Wang P, Zheng W, Zhang Q, Huang W, Jin F, Cai Z. Andrologia 2016, 48(4): 431-440.

4. Dendritic cells in semen of infertile men: association with sperm quality and inflammaotry status of the epididymis. Duan YG, Zhang Q, Liu Y, Mou L, Li G, Gui Y, Cai Z. Fertility & Sterility 2014, 101(1): 70-77.e3. (Impact Factor 4.174)

5. Immunodeviation towards a Th17 Immune Response Associated with Testicular Damage in Azoospermic Men.Duan YG, Yu CF, Novak N, Bieber T, Zhu CH, Schuppe HC, Haidl G, Allam JP. International Journal of Andrology 2011, 34(6Pt2): e536-545. (Impact Factor 3.601)

6. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli cause fibrotic remodeling of the epididymis.Michel V, Duan YG, Stoschek E, et al., Journal of Pathology 2016, 240(1):15-24. ( Impact Factor 7.381)

7. Predomination of IL-17-producing tryptase-postive/chymase-positive mast cells in azoospermic chronic testicular inflammation. Chen SJ, Duan YG, Haidl G, Allam JP. Andrologia 2016, 48(6):617-625.

8. Tolerogenic T cells, Th1/Th17 cytokines and TLR2/TLR4 expressing dendritic cells predominate the microenvironmet within distinct oral mucosal sites.Allam JP, Duan YG, Winter J, Stojanovski G, Fronhoffs F, Wenghoefer M, Bieber T, Peng WM, Novak N. Allergy 2011, 66(4): 532-539. (Impact Factor 6.297)

9. IL-23-producing CD68(+) macrophage-like cells predominate within an IL-17-polarized infiltrate in chronic periodontitis lesions.Allam JP, Duan YG, Heinemann F,Winter J, Goetz W, Deschner J, Wenghoefer M, Bieber T, Jepsen S, Novak N. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2011, 38(10): 879-886. (Impact Factor 3.933)

10. The role of mast cells in male infertility.Haidl G, Duan YG, Chen SJ, Kohn FM, Schuppe HC, Allam JP. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology 2011:7(5), 627-634. (Impact Factor 3.342)

11. Deficient human –defensin 1 underlines male infertility associated with poor sperm motility and genital tract infection.Diao R, Fok KL, Chen H, Yu MK, Duan YG, Chung CM, Li Z, Wu H, Li Z, Zhen W, Ng CF, Gui Y, Cai Z, Chan HC. Science Translational Medicine 2014, 6(249): 249ra108. (Impact Factor 15.843)


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:《白介素17及其受体对精子线粒体免疫损伤的分子机制研究》,2014-2016,项目编号:81300530,项目负责人。

2. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金:《Th17细胞及其细胞因子IL-17在慢性睾丸炎患者精液免疫应答中分子机制的研究》,2012-2014,项目编号:No.2013693,项目负责人。

3. 中国博士后基金:《Th17在慢性睾丸炎患者精液免疫应答分子机制研究》2011-2013,项目编号:2012M521623,项目负责人。

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